Women's Health Course UK
A two-year Part time Post-Graduate Course leading to a Diploma in Women's Health Osteopathy
A presentation by Prof Renzo Molinari
Course Outline
"The objective is to give advanced knowledge and expertise to professionals who want to master women' s health issues."
This two years part-time course aims at giving an expertise in Women's health to Osteopaths (registered practitioners only - UK, members of representative professional bodies - International). When necessary interviews will be organised to select the students.
The objective is to give advanced knowledge and expertise to professionals who want to master women's health issues. The course will bring together a team of experts in their fields and will include medical and complementary practitioners (gynaecologists, obstetricians, midwives, ultra sonographers and other specialists. Amongst the faculty: Dr Michel Odent, Prof Frank Willard (USA), Dr Etienne Horner, , Bill Smith, Dr Rehan Salim, Dr Amalia Annaradnam and Peter Barton Smith) and the most experienced Osteopaths in their fields: Prof Renzo Molinari, Franz Buset (Belgium), Francois Allart (France), Teresa Coughlan (Ireland), Geneviève Kermorgant (France), Monika Ebner (Austria), Anja Engel-Schulmeyer (Austria) and British Osteopaths such as Susan Turner, Tajinder Deoora, Laurence Fourdrignier, Michael Pye, Enda Butler, Indera Ajimal and more.
The objective is to create a body of Osteopaths who have an expertise and a specific capability in dealing with women's health issues. This course aims to give continuous professional development, clinical expertise, a responsible human and ethical approach to these patients and allows the graduates to work in an integrative partnership with other health professionals.
The course will be complemented by a teaching clinic allowing the students to develop their expertise and a dedicated E-learning platform.
Women’s Health Course
How to register
Please download and complete the document below:
Then return it by email to Corinne Jones:
Along with:
- A passport photo of yourself (scanned is fine)
- The £130 registration fee (please see booking form for bank details)
'“I have really enjoyed the MIH post graduate Women’s Health Osteopathy course for many different reasons.
Firstly, the access to extremely knowledgeable and experienced lecturers from so many countries and training disciplines including many leaders in their field has been unique on this course.
The course atmosphere is also extremely inclusive and given there are many students from different countries and levels of experience it generates a warm and collaborative environment with real passion for the subject. As a male practitioner it has been wonderful to be part of this and I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to do this course. Despite being a lecturer and tutor for many years, this course has massively deepened my understanding, broadened my approaches and techniques, and added fuel to my passion for this work with new excitement to be able to tackle increasingly complex cases with confidence and evidence for what I am doing.
This course is appropriate for people of all levels of experience in Women’s health Osteopathy.”
Finn Thomas, MIH Graduate 2023
Renzo, I just wish to say thank you for delivering a truly amazing course. I feel privileged to have been exposed to such an incredible team of knowledgeable and inspirational lecturers, who have been both generous with sharing their knowledge and supportive in delivering this hands on course to such a high level.
The google drive resource means that I may continue accessing and reviewing the material for months and years to come, contributing to my life long learning.
The observation clinics and practical classes have enhanced the way I practise and informed the way I teach undergraduate osteopaths in clinic.
And best of all, it does not end there, but you have created a community where we may continue to develop, by assisting within the community clinics, by participating in refresher courses and assisting in lectures. Thank you again for offering a course which is both exciting, engaging, challenging and inspirational.
Thank you!'
Tracy D. MIH Graduate 2017
E-Learning Platform
Over the past few years, we have been building, developing and improving our e-learning environment. Today we are proud to maintain a rich online learning platform available via Google Classroom.
Here are a few elements that you can look forward to:
All the audiovisual material from the seminars in manageable chunks
A Technique Reels section with the practical lessons from each seminar, so you waste no time searching for them
A Students’ Presentations section showing the complete range of scheduled peer-to-peer presentations that you will have the opportunity to do on your course
All the PowerPoint presentation slides and other included documents for each seminar and more.
Please note this section is reserved for the students enrolled on the Women's Health Course - London.
If you have problems log in please contact:
Enda Butler at ebutler2050@gmail.com